Saturday, February 13, 2010


Physical Health is the result of:

1) the body’ ability to absorb and use proper nutrients and
2) the body’s ability to flow.

When there is a block in the flow illness develops. For example, with digestion, elimination, blood flow or liver functioning it is evident that flow is pertinent. Flow is energy in movement. Every aspect of the body/brain requires a constant movement of energy to maintain health. For the body/brain to receive the nutrients and immune responses there must be flow.

I would like to suggest that the intangible mind works in a very similar fashion to the body/brain. It needs both nutrients and flow, of the intangible energies.

Nutrients for the mind are comprised of higher or faster moving energies such as love, appreciation, gratitude, compassionate understanding, joy and affection. The lower or slower energies such as fear, anger, guilt, jealousy, greed and hatred do not nourish the mind, but all of these energies must flow for a mind to be healthy.

When the lower or slower energies become repetitive or stuck, it slows down the flow and the proper functioning of the mind. When a person is stuck in the past, repeating behaviors that are not appropriate to their current situation, when a person is close-minded and cannot make space for another person’s view, flow is blocked. For example, with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder people get stuck with a repetitive thought, such as checking to see if the door is locked over and over again.

The mind is made up of thoughts and beliefs. Beliefs have more influence on our behavior because they are thoughts we have given more trust or faith to, for whatever reason. Our attitudes, perspectives, emotions and defense mechanisms all spring from our beliefs. Our beliefs, therefore, influence how relaxed, stressed, anxious or depressed we are. The less relaxed we are, the less energetic flow there is. When the belief becomes repetitive it becomes debilitating and we become stuck. Whether it’s the flow of blood or the flow of beliefs and emotions, the body/mind needs this energetic movement to maintain health.

To maintain a healthy mind one must recognize their beliefs and emotions and express (in a safe and non-hurtful way) what they are believing and feeling. From this place they can choose to resolve or change what they are experiencing so that they can move on in a stronger and more peaceful way. By doing this they will create the flow needed and enable the nurturing higher energies to be experienced so that the mind will be a healthy, functioning aspect of the whole being.