Sunday, October 3, 2010

A Quote from a Harry Potter Book

I heard Oprah quote from a Harry Potter Book recently. My memory might not have it exactly as it was stated but it went something very, very close to this, “The happiest man alive would be the one who looks in the mirror and sees exactly who he is”.
Most women or men looking in the mirror see their physical flaws, past mistakes and/or failures, and remember experiencing unkindnesses from others. I say this with confidence as I’ve lived my own life, have friends and family and have worked with hundreds and hundreds of clients who experience this kind of seeing. Is there truth to this quote? My answer is, “Yes.” This is how I see it: I believe each of us is on a journey towards reaching this experience of happiness when looking in the mirror. We spend a little or a lot of time, depending on our needs and our personality, correcting the negative beliefs we carry. Each time we correct a mistake belief in our self-concept we feel a bit happier with our self, we become a bit kinder to our self, and often, that kindness then gets extended to others. When we have corrected all of our mistakes in how we think about our self, when we have found compassionate understanding for all of our “flaws”, when we come to appreciate all of the lessons or gifts we received by having these “flaws” and when we have found self-acceptance and our innocence - then our reflection in the mirror will bring us joy… and a love so great and so strengthening that we will not only see it in our selves, but in everyone and everything. The life journey that requires facing our fears and touching our pain is rewarded ten-fold with joy. The love that is you may be covered by fear - but like the sun that is covered by clouds, it is there, it is real, and it shines!

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