Monday, October 19, 2009


In mind/body medicine it's important to differentiate between the tangible brain and the intangible mind. Both the tangible and the intangible are energy, vibrating at a different rate, but both equally powerful....and each influencing the other.
Our brain/body chemistry influences our mind (the way we think and feel), and it is important to look at how to influence that chemistry to create balance so that our thoughts and feelings are calm.
The mind, the intangible energy we generally believe is housed in the brain (newer thinking is that it is housed within every cell in our body) is an energy that influences our brain/body chemistry. Just changing the tangible brain chemistry will only create a temporary change, as the intangible mind will re-influence it , and will go back to being out of balance.
Unresolved anger, hurt, shame, guilt and fear set off tangible biochemical reactions that suppress our immune system, raise our blood pressure and creates stress and fatigue that leads to opportunistic infections, cardiovascular failure, the degeneration of muscles and the random growth of unwanted cells, as well as anxiety, panic attacks and depression. When we face this pain rather than run from it we can come to peace, on both the tangible and intangible level.
As a psycho-spiritual psychotherapist I see everything as one - no separation. I see separation as the source of pain and illness. When a person is filled with unhappiness the base-line of that experience is their unhappiness with themselves. They are separated from the truth of who they are, they have separated from themselves. When this is resolved the symptoms (anxiety, depression, etc.) disappear. When the symptoms and their cause disappear their body can begin to heal.
If you or someone you know has symptoms that are mental, emotional or physical - they are experiencing signals that the mind/body is out of balance. Pharmaceuticals suppress symptoms - and though they might be necessary in some cases, many people who need to face the upsets that are at the bottom of their illness or unhappiness won't. For a cure I highly suggest that people take a non-pharmaceutical approach to healing, including micronutrients and psychotherapy.

1 comment:

  1. it was really a worthy time spending article...but at times its difficult to control intangible mind and that's what life and downs...
