Thursday, October 1, 2009


You may have heard that certain mental illnesses, such as schizophrenia or bi-polar disorder (aka manic-depression) are caused by biochemical imbalances. Actually, when anyone is deficient in needed biochemical nutrients, that individual's moods and thinking process will be effected. I believe that is why so many Americans suffer from anxiety and depression.
There is a strong correlation between food and mood, primarily because foods are a very big part of influencing the biochemical soup within us. Being "out of balance" biochemically really means being undernourished in certain nutrients the human body and brain require.
But food isn't the only thing that effects our biochemistry.
It turns out that how we think and feel is a major contributor to our biochemical soup. Holding unresolved feelings of hurt, anger, fear, rage, etc. creates a chronic stress that drains our energy reserves, compromises our effectiveness and bathes our system with hormones that, over time, compromises our health and accelerates our aging process.
Here's the "kicker" -- our medical system is not doing anything to help us. Antidepressants and anti-anxiety pills merely mask the symptoms of our problem - our undernourished brain and body. The depression and anxiety is our body's call for help, for nutrients -- not for Prozac! We are not deficient in anti-depressants! Masking the pain means that we will not resolve what we need to resolve, and most likely continue to take these pills for years and years - maybe to find ourselves with an early case of Alzheimers. It's time to feed ourselves the nutrients we need. Not just the food and supplements, but the peace, self-love and self-respect needed for a relaxed and functioning mind and body.
Now, just let me add that I am not opposed to anti-depressants for a severe and disabling depression or an actively suicidal person, to keep them functioning until they get the real help they are needing and deserving. These pills can help, but need to be temporary. Take good care and be happy.

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